segunda-feira, 6 de julho de 2015
In 2011 already provided, what is happening in 2015
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sáb 5/11/11 16:06
Subject: Fwd: REV. 02 - Pay Attention with a Curse in Disguise
Dear Friends
Please Send this E-mail to White House for Mr. Barack Obama
CC : Mrs Hillary Clinton and Mr. Patrick Gaspard
Paulo Augusto Lacaz
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sáb 5/11/11 15:43
Subject: Fwd: REV. 02 - Pay Attention with a Curse in Disguise
Mr. Dr. Stewart Patrick
Senior Fellow and Director
International Institutions and Global Governance (IIGG) program
Council on Foreign Relations
Dear Colleague,
Pay Attention with a Curse in Disguise!
Remember the Trojan Horse!
Indeed, this crisis that the Irresponsible Greek politicians succeeded to the EU, is a large a curse in disguise. But Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ireland are close to the same situation.
Homo-sapiens has been transformed into Homo-economicus, that moral police for not knowing the greatness of Democratic Capitalism, are leading the Animalis-homo.
The major strategic plans that will emerge from the intellectual IIGG will surely have enormous difficulties to be deployed with favorable results to the maintenance of free markets and adequate levels of employment, if we do not make some changes of simultaneous actions to meet the unreasonable maneuvers of the current opportunistic political leaders that, without character, with a high level of selfishness and uneducated in Sociology and Moral Sciences Positives, endanger the lives of citizens of their nations.
Let's look for new ideas that are feasible to put in place at this time of crisis, to avoid the appearance of other opportunists - demagogues, to take advantage of this same structure of the Organization of State and Government Accountability archaic controls that are obsolete and inadequate to cope with current problems, which only change hands, staying with the same diseases of the incredible corruption in the Executive, the Judiciary and the Legislature, and often falling into the hands of military dictators despots.
Let's put an end to this kind of parliamentary system, a system of irresponsibility, so we do not to give the possibility to socialist or communist dictators take power, and conflict with Human Rights and the Humanity Duties.
We have already seen around the world that the vast majority of professional politicians do not know how to manage economically and financially as a state with a sense of res-public, the STATE activities, for the good of its people.
It's getting time to suggest an action on this politician’s class, which shows total irresponsibility by reducing their actions on the stage of setting the organization of existing political regimes. This does not mean that other participants of the state organization do not participate politically in daily life of the nation.
But they are mostly chosen differently. The proposal is to study and analyze the following:
1) Restructuring of Democratic Capitalist System, to Societocratic Capitalist System.
2) Modernization of Government Accounting with a single Integrated Accounting Management System Administration - which aims to police accounts of the Government, which may be oriented by the Central Bank of each country and implemented by the leaders of nations who wish to receive World Bank financial support.
3) A Plan of Human Feelings Education and Scientifically Instruction.
The Civil Society Organization (CSO) - SCCBESME-HUMANIDADE, a non-profit organization is able to show the basis of these ideas to you because it is not contaminated with heavy Socialists, Communists and Democratic thoughts that rules from the academic centers of Universities.
As the U.S. gave political support to NATO to ensure of dollar stability as the currency of Libyan oil business transaction, to ensure the balance of global capitalism; I think we can suggest the same reasoning to the case in question, which could occur in a similar support, not a military invasion, but to support for Army, Businessman and Workers of Greeks (Politicians would be waiting for guidance) to the agreement with the IIGG, provide a tactic of changing the existing political regime in Greece, with a suggestion of a Societocratic Constitution (Management and Budget Camera, Congress Camera, Judiciary – NCJ – National Council of Justice - Punitive Laws on Fraud), together with items 2 and 3 above.
By contrast, the debt Greek would never be reduced. What could be done to reward the acceptance of the new regime is a moratoria grace period of six years, where the Greek state would pay neither the dues nor the amortization. After this first period, would begin only the payment of financial charges for a period of 3 years and finally after these two grace periods begins payments and the capital amortization plus interest rates, during 20 years, with interest rates that could be agreed between the parties, to enable a peaceful recovery of Greece.
In my speeches, I give a suggestion as example of Structural Societocratic Regime Organization applied to Brazil case.[Compatibility%20Mode].pdf
See the slides 35 to 86.
Hoping to have collaborated with new ideas to deal with this crisis, because this proposal was granted by a symbiosis of my studies of more than 26 Constitutions of various countries in a period of 20 years of study, which also took into account the good items demonstrated the Current Organizational Structure of the Chinese State, removing and eliminating the method of choice for Communist lawmakers, back in operation. From what I have proposed here, only 20% of Congress will be made by politicians in a democratic election. The other politicians will be elected on a Societocratic way.
I'm sure if we're Prudent, Audacious and Persevering socially and morally it is possible to save the E.U. , without war, with my suggestions, since everything has been going wrong in the way that occur today.
Will it be that the government structure organization system of the democratic republic regime is agonizing?
Please, analyze! It is necessary to CHANGE!
Looking forward to news, I wish you
Health, with respect and fraternity,
Paulo Augusto LACAZ
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de N Papalexandris - Citado por 23 - Artigos relacionados
Athens University of Economics and Business ... Social Values and the Greek NationalCharacter 21 ... political economic and socio-cultural elements and their influence onpeople's social values and personality characteristics. ..... culture integration and leadership training necessary for smooth operation of the new entities.
In "O Observador" de 25 Fev 2015
Francisco Vasconcellos 25 Fev 2015
Meus caros amigos, amantes de “verdades oficiais” e de “correção política”:
Trabalhei mais de 30 anos com os gregos e com a Grécia; já fui à Grécia mais de 50 vezes (talvez ainda mais).
Conheço o país de Norte a sul e de este a oeste (incluindo as maravilhosas ilhas pequenas e a grande – Creta).
Tenho muitos amigos gregos com quem trabalhei durante anos e , agora que estamos todos reformados, continuamos a corresponder-nos.
Tudo isto para dizer aos IDIOTAS que falam da Grécia que não sabem do que estão a falar.
A Grécia é um país de CALÕES, OCIOSOS e MENTIROSOS; eles próprios o admitem sem pudor algum.
Os gregos consideram que “é bem” roubar os parvos, no topo dos quais está o Estado.
A cultura deles é muito mais árabe do que europeia,quer dizer, roubar crianças é mal mas roubar adultos é bem.
Quem é adulto e se deixa roubar merece ser roubado!!!
Os princípios judaico-cristãos, a moral, a dignidade, a lisura, a transparência etc. são para os parvos! Não têm os mesmos princípios que nós.
Os gregos aplaudem quem rouba e desprezam os que se deixam roubar.
Entraram para a Europa para roubar os Europeus, e sentem-se bem assim. Não têm sequer problemas de consciência.
Quem acha que os gregos são Europeus engana-se. NÃO SÃO, nem querem ser. São Helênicos, raça superior aos bárbaros germânicos, anglo-saxões, nórdicos, post-romanos, francos, etc.
A civilização Helênica atirava da falésia as crianças defeituosas e os estropiados. O povo era constituído pelos ricos que votavam. O resto eram escravos.
Gosto muito dos gregos porque não lhes peço para serem como eu; também não quero ser como eles.
A Grécia entrou na Europa e no Euro MENTINDO!!!
Agora devem sair tanto de uma como do outro.
E vão sair, mais cedo ou mais tarde, quando virem que já não podem roubar mais.
Qualquer acordo só servirá para permitir mais roubos dos gregos, cada vez menores até ELES perceberem que já não aldrabam ninguém.
Nessa altura vão fazer chantagem com a sua saída e tentar ainda roubar mais um pouco dos cobardes “democratas” Europeus, assustados com a possibilidade da sua saída.
Tudo isto terá um fim inevitável… a saída da Grécia da UE!
Portanto, meus amigos,que saiam depressa.
Poupam-nos muitas dores de cabeça e muito dinheiro.
360º 27/07/2015
ResponderExcluirPor David Dinis, Diretor
Bom dia!
Enquanto dormia
Recomeçaram as negociações em Atenas, entre o Governo de Tsipras e os credores, agora para fechar o terceiro resgate. O Financial Times diz que, apenas os técnicos médios começaram com os trabalhos, sentido já as tradicionais dificuldades de acesso à informação: "É mais do mesmo, eles não querem cooperar com a troika".
Nos últimos dois dias vimos notícias surpreendentes sobre o que se passou em Atenas antes do acordo de Bruxelas, como um estranho plano B que Varoufakis disse ter preparado "desde dezembro" com o aval de Tsipras, gravadas numa conversa recente do ex-ministro com investidores internacionais.
Há ainda um complemento desse plano - que incluiria a prisão do governador do banco central e apoio de Moscovo -, entretanto confirmado nas suas linhas gerais por um outro ex-ministro.
Um responsável do Governo de Tsipras veio já explicar o que teria sido necessário para que outro caminho fosse seguido. Não havendo, veremos o que dá agora.