sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2024

Bolsonaro and Donald J Trump

 I learned that former President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro (PL) asked the Supreme Court Minister (STF) Alexandre de Moraes to return his passport, so that this far-right Brazilian politician can go to the United States to talk With US presidential candidate Donald Trump (Republican Party). According to the magistrate, a possible trip of the former Mandanician abroad represents a "danger to the development of criminal investigations" committed by him. Bolsonaro's allies also tried to ask people close to Moraes to remove the electronic anklet from their advisors, pointed out a report on Friday (11) in the newspaper O Globo, here in Brazil.

Mr. Donald J Trump This Mr. Jair Bolsonaro Does Not Deserve Your respect or Support

Thank you for answering me.


Paulo Augusto Lacaz

quarta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2024

Elon Musk - X

Dear Mr. Elon Musk,

Goodnight !

Check the content f this

 Russia President, Mr. Vladimir V. Putin speech.

 The reason of this friendship of Former President of the USA, Mr. Donald J. Trump  is indicated in blogspot bellow

 Mr. Vladimir V. Putin is a friend of his people and his Nation, which is the same occurs  with Donald J. Trump's feelings towards his  people and his country.

I sincerely wish you,

Health and fraternity

Pauo Augusto Lacaz


sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2024

GENOCIDE Palestine - Libia and Israel 27/09/2024

 Dear Former President Donald J. Trump.

 Is it what they are saying is true?

 Hitler wanted to eliminate an ethnic group, so that Germany could more easily dominate the financial world; and the Prime Minister of Israel wants to eliminate the Palestinian people and also the people Lebanon, to ensure that there is not attempt to create two states in the Gaza strip and expand their territories. This makes it easier for the State of Israel to expand its territorial area. One has already committed genocide, the other is committing it now.

See the article I wrote with a Jewish son of a Rabbi here in Brazil about the Responsibilities of Religions and the Education of Children's Feelings, which contains a Commentary on the Jewish People, the State of Israel and the Government of Israel.  https://sccbesme-humanidade(.blogspot.)com/2012/07/responsabilidade-das-religioes.html    Delete 2 parenthes

DONALD J TRUMP and Volodymyr Zelensky


Dear Mr. Donald J. Trump,

Good Evening!

Read carefully this article of mine, which can give you support during the meeting with Mr. Volodymyr Zelensky who shows the true reasons why Russia declared war against Ukraine. At this time I was still in dialogue with Mr Joe Biden. The reason is that the USA needs to sell weapons and ammunition to help support its economy; whose industrial arms and ammunition units are later recovered by Investimenos' large plans generating loan debts.

sábado, 3 de agosto de 2024


 Prezado Deputado Federal Zeca Dirceu,

Boa Noite!
Depois que eu vi Sr, seu pai ser entrevistado na TV Band, tomei coragem  de entrar para o PT. Anexei no Canal Livre  - - um sobre o Exército e outro sobre segurança. 
O terceiro não ficou no registro. 
Vou lhe passar de forma free um livro de minha autoria sobre a China.
Pois tomei conhecimento que o Sr. seu pai - José Dirdeu vai vizitár esta grande Nação.

Favor chegar este  meu trabalho ao Vosso pai.
Depois de ter visto a entrevista 2 vezes resolvi entrar para o PT. Arapeí-SP .
Sem mais para o momento, desejo-lhe,
Saúde, com respeito e fraternidade
Em um telefonema com um amigo de Arapeí-SP, tomei conhecimento que o Ex-Ministro José Dirceu está internado no Hospital Sírio Libanês onde sofreu uma intervenção cirúrgica delicada. 
Espero que tudo esteja bem e  que sua  recuperação seja a mais rápida possível.
Desde já desejo à ele e a vocè, 
Saúde, com respeito e fraternidade