sábado, 8 de março de 2025

NOBEL PRIZE - Psychologist Daniel Kahneman - Theory of Perspective X Auguste Comte's Brain Theorem.

Laureate Psychologist Daniel Kahneman was unaware of the Laws of Positive Sociology and Positive Morality, as well as the 15 Laws of Supreme Fatality,  https://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com/leia.htm    when he created the Theory of Perspective (1960): The theory of perspective is a psychological theory that explains in a metaphysical way how people make decisions in a non-scientific way, when they are uncertain about the outcome with a very high probability of errors due to human disharmonious - https://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com/artigos/a_harmonia_mental.htm

The direct disciple of the Philosopher Auguste Comte, the Philosopher Pierre Laffitte (1823-1903), a follower of the Positivist Doctrine, without having any course in Economics, in 1892 gave a lecture on Economic Equilibrium -  https://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com/artigos/lequilibre_economique.htm

 , considering that Economics is a Technological application of Sociological Science, as Mechanics is of Physical Science; Topography, Accounting and Prime Numbers are of Mathematical Science. In Positivism we already knew that Positive Moral Science or Scientific Psychology, also known as Construction Science, is interconnected with the other 6 Sciences (Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Sociology) through the 15 Natural Laws of Supreme Fatality. Positive Moral  POSITIVE SOCIOLOGICAL SCIENCE and POSITIVE MORAL SCIENCE https://sccbesme-  humanidade.blogspot.com/2018/03/a-ciencia-sociologia-positiva.html This Science is made up of 7 Theorems - the first - Auguste Comte's Brain Theorem, which had its origins in the work of Franz Joseph Gall (1758 - 1828 - In 1817 he became a French citizen. It was in Paris that he published his great work on anatomy in five folio volumes on the Anatomie et la Physiologie du système nerveux et du cerveau, Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System and Brain. His systematic treatise in five volumes on the Fonctions du cerveau, Functions of the Brain, was published in 1825. Gall died in 1828 in Paris, his grave is in the Père-la-Chaise cemetery.) . After 13 schematic attempts, Auguste Comte concluded that the Soul or Psyche or Mind is formed by 18 Brain Functions - 10 of Feelings, 5 of Intelligence and 3 of Character. The Feelings are 7 Egoistic and 3 Altruistic. The Feelings command the Intelligence, which gives it Feedback. If the predominance of Feelings is Egoistic, they generate Egoistic reasoning in Intelligence. If it is Altruistic, they generate Altruistic reasoning.

The Organs of Intelligence are: Concrete and Abstract Contemplation, Inductive and Deductive Meditation; and the Organ of Expression - Written, Oral and Mimicry.

The 3 Organs of Character Courage, Prudence and Perseverance, determine whether or not the action to be taken. See my book - MANEUVER YOUR DESTINY YOURSELF - https://livrospositivistas.blogspot.com/2015/06/manobre-voce-mesmo-seu-destino.html

To enrich this contact I present a New idea of ​​Political Regime, to harmoniously balance the Material Capital ($) with the Moral Capital and with the Scientific Capital for a Society aiming to achieve a Peaceful State. COMMENTS ON THE ARTICLE HOW TO BUILD A NEW GLOBAL ECONOMIC ORDER  https://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com/2024/08/comentarios-sobre-o-artigo-como.html


Paulo Augusto Lacaz