sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2021

Information about some Decrees signed by President Joseph R. Biden Jr.


Mr. Joseph R. Biden Jr.

PRESIDENT of the United States of America

The White House

1600 – Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 

Washington, DC 20.500

 Subject: Information about some Decrees signed by President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

CC:  Shirish DáteMeghan Hays;  Angela Dela Cruz Perez

           Dear Mr. President

   "What is Morally Wrong cannot be Politically Right".                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Abraham Lincoln

I am a Democrat, being inflexible in my principles, but conciliating in some Republican facts - For example IMMIGRATION, TPP, and ABORTION.

I agree with 90% of Senator Mr. Bernie Sander’s ideas and suggestions; but I'm independent; the same occurs with you, Dear President, with 70% of good understandings. It is through our differences that our Unions occur; then, if possible, our Doctrinal Union may occur and if consolidated, the ACTIONS can give continuity by the others.

Below are the links grouped by Subject:



Father Brazil President, Mr. Temer was Lebanese FEELING EDUCATION, RESULTING in a high degree of Egoism and falsehood. 

2)  TPP      




I just hope that this freedom for Muslims, traveling to the USA, does not create problems for American Jews.

As you President said that if you find that you made mistakes you would correct them and apologize, this was my free collaboration for your reflection.

Sincerely. I wish you,

Health, with respect and fraternity,

Paulo Augusto Lacaz





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