sábado, 27 de janeiro de 2018



   Resultado de imagem para brasão russia 

Уважаемые господа,

       Há mais de 30 anos - http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com.br/2014/08/curriculum-vitae.html  venho me dedicando sozinho fora das universidades e junto a minha biblioteca, com alguns amigos e a Web, com base na Doutrina Positivista de Augusto Comte, na procura de um Regime Político para amenizar os conflitos de classe, por caminhos, não Comunista, nem Fascista e muito menos Nazista e longe desta falsa Democracia Capitalista.

Mais recentemente, nos últimos 12 anos me dediquei a contaminar os U.S., para o Bem Estar do Povo Americano, com Novas Idéias, para policiar o Capitalismo, freando o neo-liberalismo e me identificando com o Regime Societocrático Republicano, para a minha Pátria Brasileira, que poderão servir também para o Povo Russo.

   Vejam o (1) Comment e os Sub-comments.



Fui enganado pela Sra. Hillary Clinton e decepcionado pelo Sr. Barack Obama, principalmente com relação ao TPP, mas ainda esperançoso no Sr. Senador Bernie Sanders, que não pode  mudar  as normas do CFR e da CIA.

Depois de ter colaborado com o Sr. Barack Obama, dede 2008 até 5 de outubro de 2017 , como pode ser visto a seguir, procurei me aproximar quando ele esteve em São Paulo recentemente e não recebi nenhuma gentileza pelos serviços prestados gratuitamente, por pensar ser ele  um guardião  de Moral, acima do valor material($), que mostrava ser quando de suas vitórias políticas internas e pacifistas nos planos da globalização - a menos da Guerra da Líbia, influenciado pela sua Secretaria de Estado - Hillary Clinton.

Neste momento achei por bem alterar o rumo, mantendo o mesmo destino, para o Bem Social e Moral de Minha Nação, mostrando aos senhores os esforços que a SCCBESME HUMANIDADE tem feito até agora.  

Venho por meio desta, solicitar material didático e de propaganda, como por exemplo, a Constituição Russa Atualizada, a Organização do Estado - Conjuntura/Estrutura; programa do Banco Central Russo – quem faz o Controle – os planos de Governo do  Presidente Vladimir Putin, para o bem social e moral do povo Russo; dentro desta modalidade “Democrática Capitalista – neo-liberalista”, altamente maléfica a sociabilidade.

Caso seja pelo Capitalismo Policiado pelo Estado, levando em conta o Mérito (Capacidade, Competência e Altruísmo) que disciplinará a decência da disputa na concorrência para atingir os resultados financeiros, da maximização dos lucros sobre o Capital Investido, de forma a não escravizar a população; de forma que ocorra a Origem do Capital no Social e sua aplicação no Social, como funciona em Singapura.  

Alguns momentos felizes da Nação Brasileira

Como sou Evolucionário/revolucionário, por não concordar com esta Amoral política e Amoral judiciária Brasileira, segue uma ideia de modificações  para o conhecimento dos Senhores: 

Gostaria de homenagear o Povo e ao Governo Russo, com um Site Positivista, como fiz para o Brasil e USA ( Vou pensar em retirar o Senhor Barack Obama – Mas ele criou um plano de Saúde para 30 Milhões de Americanos). Desejo saber a vida dos Grandes Vultos Russos que fizeram algo relevante para o Bem estar Social e Moral do Povo Russo.
http://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com       http://www.doctrineofhumanity.com/

Na esperança de podermos desenvolver linhas de ação em conjunto, por parcerias, gostaria muito  de  criar com o Estado da Federação Russa, uma Faculdade de Sociologia/ Moral Positiva, no Município de Arapeí-SP - Brasil, com intercambio  entre jovens Russos, objetivando criar o espírito  da cidadania, de patriotismo e do Nacionalismo da Grandeza das duas Pátrias.

Fora os outros projetos citados, nos links  dos textos ora indicados nesta correspondência.

Cabe aqui registrar que as doações poderão ser feitas através da SCCBESME HUMANIDADE,  de qualquer parte do Mundo, independente das grandezas dos valores, através da PayPal -  como é para fins não lucrativos, não incide IR, na transferência. - 



Desde já me despeço homenageando a atitude Moral do Sr. Vladimir Putin

It is not wrath, it is a Putin Moral disciplinary attitude.

 -   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMlsbB33QSc    ,  desejando-lhes,

Saúde, respeito e fraternidade,

Paulo Augusto Lacaz

1.            https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj2hWZwC8txjnYfqEJIPDA2RvTZ_a9VvsI0gsj00GXRXXq_QKeomzxwN3S5OIGeW9zELatEuCeluBKAa9Ig1Z5AxLeQv698RN4BUeJ8QocJ7OAb-FreRDOk42VnIK48MgHEWgl3w71L22Y/s35/*
Entrada de Vladimir Putin no Kremlin
2.            https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj2hWZwC8txjnYfqEJIPDA2RvTZ_a9VvsI0gsj00GXRXXq_QKeomzxwN3S5OIGeW9zELatEuCeluBKAa9Ig1Z5AxLeQv698RN4BUeJ8QocJ7OAb-FreRDOk42VnIK48MgHEWgl3w71L22Y/s35/*
Putin gira a história das humilhações russas  Далее:
в Электронную приёмную Президента Российской Федерации
Должность адресата: Rio de Janeiro
Full name (surname, name, patronymic): Lacaz Paulo Augusto
Email address: sccbesme.humanidade@gmail.com
Phone: 55 2198350
Type: appeal
в Электронную приёмную Президента Российской Федерации
Фамилию, имя, отчество адресата: Rio de Janeiro
Full name (surname, name, patronymic): Lacaz Paulo Augusto
Email address: sccbesme.humanidade@gmail.com
Phone: 55 2198350
Type: appeal
Sent: January 27, 2018, 17:39
Sent: January 27, 2018, 01:46

segunda-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2018




       Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum     Director General, CERN    Project Specialist, Strategic Foresight

     For approximately the last 29 years, I have been (http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com.br/2014/08/curriculum-vitae.html) studying outside the university circles with material support from my savings and no doubt from the books in my library 

as well as often on the Internet, a Scientific Philosophy by means of the perceptions which the August Comte philosopher registered through the Natural Philosophical Laws of the Sciences: Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Positive Sociology (http://livrospositivistas.blogspot.com.br/2014/06/a-ciencia-sociologia-positiva.html) and Positive Moral (http://livrospositivistas.blogspot.com.br/2014/05/moral-positiva-pierre-laffitte-21-ffev.html ; http://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com/livros/ciencia_moral_positiva_r22.pdf) ; as well as the Fifteen Natural Universal Philosophical Laws which he perceived and coded as Supreme Fatality or First Philosophy, which are common to the previously listed seven sciences. http://sccbesme-humanidade.blogspot.com.br/2013/01/em-teste-sinopse-das-15-leis-naturais.html   http://livrospositivistas.blogspot.com.br/2015/06/manobre-voce-mesmo-seu-destino.html   http://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com/livros/augusto_comte_para_todos_viii.pdf

       In this Doctrine to be considered as sciences, the criterion was adopted that the Natural Philosophical Laws that govern them have to possess seven simultaneous attributes: Real, Useful, Certain, Precise, Organic, Relative and Social. For this reason, Economics is considered here as a technological application of the Positive Sociology Science, as Topography, Accounting, and Prime Numbers are of the Mathematical Science, and as Mechanics is of Physic. On the other hand, DUTIES and Rights Laws, Feeling Education, Politics, and Medicine are part of Good Art, and will never be sciences. 

      I have dedicated myself on my own, with no support from any organ or any private or state institution, striving in these last years to collaborate with great National and International deeds, with the objective of doing the Social and Moral Good of the Societies which inhabit Mother Earth, through analysis and scientific suggestions. On my website [ http://www.doutrinadahumanidade.com ] [ http://www.doctrineofhumanity.com/ this It is under Construction to include Mr. Sanders and Mr. Trump ] and on the Blogs ( http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com.br/2014/04/listagem-dos-temas-contidos-no-blog.html ) where you may find a series of e-mails, Articles, and Books as well as a succinct explanation of this Philosophy / Politics / Scientific Doctrine. 

The contents of the pages are free of charge.

 The sites were conceived to honor through the Doctrine of Humanity the United States of America Population and never only the Politicians, the Public Officials of the USA State Department and the CFR. 

      In 2010, the Political Regime activities, after I having studied 26 Constitutions of various countries, I have dedicated myself to the study and search for new ideas and suggestions of a scientific nature, which by persuasion and knowledge may contribute to the emergence of a  new Political Regime capable of bringing to countries with a cultural level similar to that prevailing in Brazil conditions which are beneficial to our reaching the Policied Capitalism Democracy = Societocracy Republican in the near future, since in these countries, as in Brazil, there still predominates a Mercantilist Democracy and sometimes a Mercantilist - Judiciary Dictatorship, what's happening today. Jan/2018.

This Policed Regime proposed – Societocratic Republican – may be applied with the due adjustments to the countries in the Group of 20 (G-20). http://sccbesme-humanidade.blogspot.com.br/2015/04/lecture-on-new-political-regime.html . Not everything can be applied now, but the target will serve to be pursued.

The advantage which this political regime would bring, besides other actions, would be that of educating human feelings and scientifically instructing the populations by natural laws, with a view to Policed Capitalism/ Societocratic Regime , bringing about the reduction of world conflicts in which many US soldiers are killed, bravely fighting terrorists and despot dictators, in other parts of the world, in order to maintain the operational market structure, in freedom and with responsibility for the Globalized Capitalist System.

      In the meantime, I present to you among others the work of social and moral nature that I attended here in Brazil over the Internet, where I contribute to the fight that the Obama administration faced in order to benefit from these 32 million Americans did not have health care insurance. (Later when you appeared  a candidate in the Primaries, contending with Hillary Clinton, I have been accompanying and collaborating in your struggle and initially reminding you of this article      http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com.br/2016/01/bernie-sanders-will-be-first-usa.html  and   others that will be listed at the end of this letter.)
     You may verify this in the e-mail that I received from the President Barack Obama, included on the site:
http://www.doctrineofhumanity.com/emails.htm  - E-mails received from President Barack Obama  -Paulo Augusto, add your name to mine

           Hillary Clinton deceived me (Liar) and Barack Obama disappointed me (TPP)

    The collaboration took place in 2010, where I  participated  to help the American Population and consequently to generate the harmony of Social Well-Being of Financial Globalization with focusing on the Positive Moral notion, in Wall Street Reform, which may be verified in my letter to President Barack Obama and  their answers on this topic:


PRESIDENT of the United States of America
The White House
1600 – Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 
Washington, DC 20.500

      Cc: To all US Senators 
            Cc:  Mr. Joe Biden – Vice President 
                     Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton – US Department of State
                     Mr. Tim Kaine - Democratic National Committee 
                     Mr. Mitch Stewart - Organizing of American
                     Mr. David Plouffe - Campaign Manager – Obama for America
  Subject: Wall Street Finance Moralization Reform.

 Dear Mr. President    

“What is Morally Wrong cannot be Politically Right”.

      Please, you don’t advance only with actions creating the strongest consumer protections, but complemented legally by vigorous penalties. There is a need to educate the US citizens, mainly the economists/financiers and lawyers, with the objective to minimize the selfishness and the expansion of Altruism, through Human Feeling Education.  We have, however, no time to analyze this deficiency, due to the short time available; the penalties have to be heavy to avoid chaos, and consequently the destruction of the society of the Great US Nation; like that promoted by the devastating financial crisis – 2009, which, if not for the existence of a Democrat like you trying to defend us, would probably have us living in a great economic and financial hecatomb. 

                All civilizations possess a society that is maintained by a “tripod". The "equilibrium", i.e., the Social Harmony of this society depends on the "vector" greatness of these "three legs"; the first leg represents the Moral Capital; the second, the Material Capital ($) and finally the third, the Scientific Intellectual Capital. The unbalance in the greatness of one of these “three vectors” can cause the implosion of a civilization. The larger fragility of US Society is in the Moral Capital. It is said that it is necessary to strengthen this “foot of the tripod”. 

                Figuratively, when "the Entropy of the Moral Capital of the American Society” reaches zero, it "will implode", creating a great "black hole” and it will swallow all of us.  

                A scientific analysis of the Moral Capital was already presented more than 160 years ago by August Comte, through a Science, known as Theoretical Positive Moral Science or Science of the Construction or Scientific Psychology.
                To collaborate with suggestions in the mid and long-term, I enclose a philosophic letter that I sent you, soon after your inauguration - Suggestion of New Ideas, at the Domestic Level, for the Administration of President Barack Obama.  
                    I expect that some topics of this Letter will be useful for macro Positive Morality notions of in order for us to avoid a great future fall, not only for the US but for all countries which participate in the Financial Globalization, the command of which is yours.

                For the moment, to replace the number of large Banks by a great number of small banks, can initially elevate the operational cost, but will certainly elevate the competition among them. But they will need inspection and control by the STATE, to avoid Cartels and Dumping among them, through the Consumer Financial Protection Agency - CFPA and by the US Government Accountability Office– US GAO
  When “money speaks”, the Truth remains silent!  With the passing of time, it has been being proven that this is not true.

The love for the homeland and for the nation has to be above the love for profit and for money.



Mr. President, you are moving and shaking a great “African hornet hive".    

It is very dangerous! 
Look what happened with President John F. Kennedy. Please, be careful!  
You deserve eight years of government. The Democrats have to possess a Leader to make Progressive CHANGES.  
Take care, often the Statesman’s prize is Death.  So please: 

To Conserve, Improving
Your safety has to be doubled!  
I am no futurist; I am scientifically a scholar, based on natural philosophical laws in Sociology and Moral Positive Sciences.  
            Expecting to hear from you, I wish you  

            Health, with respect and fraternity  


 Paulo Augusto LACAZ      www.doctrineofhumanity.com/ 

PS: TO LIVE FOR SOMEBODY ELSE: This is not to give your property or money to others, it is to promote the well-being of others so that your well-being emerges with that of the others.  There is a need for competition, but it has to be managed, i.e., moderated, because it can lead us to practice cruelty. We have to subordinate the personality to the sociability. Capitalism has to be watched and advised, with freedom of the press, with elevated responsibility. Otherwise, it destroys itself. The Wall Street Lobbyist actions are morally wrong……… 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mitch Stewart, BarackObama.com" info@barackobama.com
To: Paulo Augusto LACAZ 
Sent: Dom 18/04/10 13:00
Subject: Fwd: A presidential veto
Paulo Augusto

President Obama means business.

He's committed his administration to reining in Wall Street and creating the strongest
consumer protections in history. And on Friday he made it clear that we  can't allow another 
devastating financial crisis -- so he'll veto any reform bill 
that doesn't bring the derivatives market under control. But the Senate could begin debate as soon
 as this week, and Republican leaders
 are teaming up with Wall Street lobbyists to defeat the bill -- so the President
 needs your help to show that the American people stand with him on Wall Street reform:


P.S. -- Don't miss the President's message from Friday below.
-------------Original Message-------------

From: Barack Obama
Subject: Wall Street reform
Friend -- 

It has now been well over a year since the near collapse of our entire financial system
that cost the nation more than 8 million jobs. To this day, hard-working 
families struggle to make ends meet.

We've made strides -- businesses are starting to hire, Americans are finding jobs, and neighbors 

who had even up looking are returning to the job market with new hope. But the flaws in our

 a financial system that led to this crisis remains unresolved.

Wall Street titans still recklessly speculate with borrowed money. Big banks and  credit card 

companies stack the deck to earn millions while far too many middle-class families, who have 

done everything right, can barely pay their bills  or save for a better future.

We cannot delay action any longer. It is time to hold the big banks accountable to the people 

they serve, establish the strongest consumer protections in our nation's history -- and ensure that

 taxpayers will never again be forced to bail out big banks because they are "too big to fail."

That is what Wall Street reform will achieve, why I am so committed to making it happen, and why
I'm asking for your help today.

We know that without enforceable, commonsense rules to check abuse and protect families, 

markets are not truly free. Wall Street reform will foster a strong and vibrant financial sector so 
that businesses can get loans; families can afford mortgages; entrepreneurs can find the capital to
 start a new company , sell a new product, or offer a new service.

Consumer financial protections are currently spread across seven different government agencies. 
wall Street reform will create one single Consumer Financial Protection Agency -- tasked with 
preventing predatory practices 

and making sure you get the clear information, not fine print, needed to avoid ballooning mortgage 
payments or credit card rate hikes.

Reform will provide crucial new oversight, give shareholders a say on salaries and bonuses, and 

create new tools to break up failing financial firms so that taxpayers aren't forced into another 

unfair bailout. And reform will keep our economy secure by ensuring that no single firm can bring
 down the whole financial system.

With so much at stake, it is not surprising that allies of the big banks and Wall Street lenders have
already launched a multi-million-dollar ad campaign to fight these changes. Arm-twisting lobbyists
are  already storming Capitol Hill, seeking to undermine the strong bipartisan foundation of reform 

with loopholes and exemptions for the most egregious abusers of consumers. I won't accept anything short of the full 
protection that our citizens deserve and our economy needs. It's a fight orth having, and it is a fight we can win -- if we stand up and speak out together.
So I'm asking you to join me, starting today, by adding your name as a strong supporter of Wall Street reform:

Thank you,

President Barack Obama
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to: lacaze@terra.com.br
      All this effort has not had any specific results in relation to receive some financial donation, through an Accession Partnership, with a large Industrial Organization - Corporation or Foundation from the Western Hemisphere, to elaborate the projects listed in these links: 

Since 2011, when SCCBESME HUMANIDADE was created, to this date failed to capture any value and I have "banked financially" all alone, with the help of some friends; which will in future be paid for work performed. 

        I wish to place on record that SCCBESME HUMANIDADE, has an agreement signed with PAYPAL to capture DONATION from anywhere in the world, for any amount over $ 1,500, provided that the projects to be carried out by SCCBESME HUMANIDADE with a third partnership, focusing on the Social Good and Moral of the countries populations where EU, U.S., RUSSIA and CHINA have interest. The Donations transfers from Foreign DONATION to Brazil are FREE from paying of Income Tax.

    By objectifying PARTNERSHIPS, each runs its risk and responsibility. 

The SCCBESME HUMANIDADE is independent and it is not linked to any political party, in Brazil and abroad, but I have sympathy for Democratic Party with you Senator Bernie Sanders (http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com.br/2016/10/us-1100000000.htmland in Brazil by PT Party in social actions. 

In order to operationalize SCCBESME HUMANITY, in order to carry out its projects, there is a need for high financial resources, through a partnership with some foreign foundation.

 And this one has not yet appeared. For the Brazilian civilization is not accustomed to making a donation, even of U $ 1. It is a people who are badly educated politically. Inflation is violently high, but the government camouflages the statistical data. 2014 - 6.41%; 2015 -10.67%; 2016 - 12.28%.

       At the moment Brazil is going through a period of poor economic planning for workers and retirees since the government's goal is to fortify the oligarch millionaires, who represent 10% of the population; and which own 90% of GDP.

 Generating unemployment to the productive workers and, privatizing a large number of important companies for the strengthening of the State. We walked to be equal to a republic of Central America. Crime has passed the tolerable limit. And corruption is endemic, which gets to be very difficult, to be honest, to survive. But I'm going to fight!

      I hope you have learned through your advisors about what I have done to improve the lives of the American people through my work via WEB. See the last work I completed after receiving from Senator Mr. Bernie Sanders about Corruption. I have sent this link to the Protestant and Catholic religions of the State of Georgia. I hope the result is positive. Http://palacazgrandesartigos.blogspot.com.br/2017/01/a-powerful-rebuke-to-corrupt.html

With respect, the Ethics/Morals follows as a demonstration of my capacity and capability, a work on Universal Constitution Preamble (http://sccbesme-humanidade.blogspot.com.br/2012/07/suggestion-of-universal-constitution.html ), which is already written up to page 200. There is also a suggestion that can be used as a basis to restructure the National Service of Ethics - UN.

At this time, to continue the full-time jobs to keep the Civil Society Organization - SCCBESME HUMANIDADE, still not operationally organizational I have to keep myself to support its maintenance, alone.

My plea is to request a monthly donation of $ 25,500/ month during the  year 2018 so that I do not stop fighting day and night for our causes.

If it is possible to donate, contact see DONATE in   

Looking forward to news, I wish you,

Health, respect, and fraternity,

        Paulo Augusto Lacaz
           CEO – President